ManageMate is an Australian entity set up to commercialise the Rights associated with unique technology developed by Translock Industries Australasia Pty Ltd and its contracted partners.
This technology can be utilised in a multitude of industries requiring diverse, accurate and reliable data-generation supplemented with integrated IT management systems.
As such, ManageMate's unique combination of 'bench-mark' hardware and software solutions coupled with extensive industry experience from our own Research and Development team has allowed us to deliver superior and innovative 'Environmental Monitoring and Auditing' products and services to our customers with accurate and robust methods for measuring and managing information.
Based on the simple message: 'If you can measure can manage it', ManageMate perfectly demonstrates its philosophy with two of its 'benchmark' products – the 'certified' and 'dynamic' WeighMate products and, more recently, the WasteMate, our integrated 'Waste Collection and Tracking System' (WCTS).
The WeighMate has been the initiator of our penetration into the Environmental Management industry with the 'certified', dynamic front-lift weighing system unique in the waste management market – with this patented technology now at the core of our innovative solutions recently implemented for side and rear lift weighing systems.
The WasteMate is an 'end-to-end' solution that collates integrated, real-time data for the complete waste collection process, recording who, when, where and how much waste was collected. The information is recorded as the bins are lifted and the data then transmitted to the web-based central management system, thus providing 'real-time' data on parameters such as account details, individual bin weight, video images and time, date and GPS location of bins lifted.
Both the WeighMate and WasteMate solutions provide information on amounts of waste disposed of and recycled which is vital for reporting and evaluating the performance of individual programs, sectors and waste streams as well as the goals and targets in Waste Strategy 2006.
With its own Research and Development department, our diverse 'Mate' solutions are constantly being refined and/or enhanced with the product range being constantly supplemented with new and innovative management tools – a basic requirement in this constantly changing and expanding realm of information management.